20th International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Law
Northwestern University, Chicago, Illinois
16-20 June 2025
The ICAIL 2017 Workshop on AI in Legal Practice aims to bridge the gap between legal professionals and AI & Law researchers. The event will introduce legal professionals to the potential applications of AI & Law, discuss the practical challenges legal professionals face and explore how AI & Law research might tackle some of these challenges. This whole day workshop will consist of two parts. The morning session consists of a gentle introduction to well-established AI techniques and tools, followed by a hands-on demonstration of how these can be used in law firms. In the afternoon session, more cutting edge research on AI & Law is introduced and matched to prospective applications in legal practice.
For the afternoon session we seek short contributions from AI & Law researchers who are interested in showcasing their research and exploring opportunities for collaboration with legal practitioners. Such researchers are invited to submit short papers in accordance with the following criteria:
- Papers should not exceed 2 pages in length (in either Word format or Latex in the conference format).
- Page 1 of the paper should provide a high level overview of the research and any associated implementation with technical details kept to an absolute minimum.
- Page 2 of the paper should provide a use case to demonstrate to legal practitioners which specific problems the work can be used to address and as such how the research can be used in practice.
Submission deadline
The deadline for submission of papers is 5 May, 2017.
Papers should be submitted by email to both the workshop leads, Katie Atkinson and Jeroen Keppens at: katie@liverpool.ac.uk and jeroen.keppens@kcl.ac.uk
All papers will be subject to a light review by the workshop organisers to verify their relevance and relation to academic research. Notification of acceptance will be made by 10 May, 2017.
Full details of the workshop, including a provisional programme, can be found at: https://nms.kcl.ac.uk/icail2017/ailp.php
Workshop Organizers
Morning tutorial/demonstration
Afternoon workshop
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