20th International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Law
Northwestern University, Chicago, Illinois
16-20 June 2025
Dear members of the ICAIL community,
We can look back at an exciting ICAIL edition in Montreal (https://icail2019-cyberjustice.com). We enjoyed a strong program with research papers across the breadth of our field by researchers of all career stages; there was a good variation of workshops and tutorials covering current developments and supporting the government and industry connection; and Yoshua Bengio and Pim Haselager provided inspiring keynote lectures.
Specific highlights included these awards:
the Best Doctoral Consortium Paper Award for Robert van Doesburg's paper "The False, the Former, and the Parish Priest",
the Best Student Paper Award (in honor of Donald Berman) for Marco Almada's paper “Human intervention in automated decision-making: Toward the construction of contestable systems”,
the Best Paper Award (in honor of Carole Hafner) for the paper "Why Machine Learning May Lead to Unfairness: Evidence from Risk Assessment for Juvenile Justice in Catalonia" by Songül Tolan, Marius Miron, Emilia Gómez and Carlos Castillo,
the Best Innovative Application Paper Award (in honor of Peter Jackson) for the paper "Semi-Supervised Methods for Explainable Legal Prediction" by Karl Branting, Craig Pfeifer, Lisa Ferro, Alex Yeh, Bradford Brown, Brandy Weiss, Mark Pfaff and Amartya Chakraborty.
Two members of the community were awarded with special honors by the IAAIL for exceptional service: Ken Satoh and Anne Gardner. Anne also became an honorary member of the executive committee.
In the membership meeting, the new executive committee (starting January 1, 2020) was established: Enrico Francesconi president, Floris Bex vice-president, Michał Araszkiewicz secretary/treasurer, Monica Palmirani and Juliano Maranhão new members, Danièle Bourcier and Dave Lewis returning members. The nominating committee for 2020-2021 will consist of Bart Verheij, Katie Atkinson, Jeroen Keppens and Alexander Hudek.
Thanks to all who made ICAIL 2019 a success, and in particular to program chair Floris Bex, general chair Karim Benyekhlef, industry chair Katie Atkinson, doctoral consortium/mentoring chair Michał Araszkiewicz, local organizer Karima Smouk and the Cyberjustice Laboratory team, and secretary/treasurer Anne Gardner.
Looking into the future, two options for the 2021 edition were announced during ICAIL 2019 (Brazil, New Zealand) and we have received more. If you aim to submit a bid, please get in touch. Anne Gardner (gardner@cs.stanford.edu) can provide relevant information. Cut-off point for bids is October 15.
Best regards,
Bart Verheij,
IAAIL executive committee president,
on behalf of the committee
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