20th International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Law
Northwestern University, Chicago, Illinois
16-20 June 2025
Floris Bex
"AI, Law and beyond. A transdisciplinary ecosystem for the future of AI & Law" (slides)
Presidential address at ICAIL 2023, Braga
Enrico Francesconi
"The Winter, the Summer and the Summer Dream of AI in Law" (slides) (video) (paper)
Presidential address at ICAIL 2021, São Paulo
Bart Verheij
"Artificial Intelligence as Law" (slides) (text) (paper)
Presidential address at ICAIL 2019, Montreal
Katie Atkinson
"AI and Law in 2017: Turning the hype into real world solutions"
Presidential address at ICAIL 2017, London
Jack G. Conrad
"Artificial Intelligence & Law: Through the Lens of IAAIL – Past, Present and Future"
Presidential address at ICAIL 2015, San Diego
Radboud Winkels
"25 Years of AI & Law -- ICAIL 1987 - 2013"
Presidential address at ICAIL 2013, Rome
Giovanni Sartor
"The law in AI & law"
Presidential address at ICAIL 2011, Pittsburgh
Henry Prakken
"On Formal Models of Legal Argument: Modelling Everyday Legal Argument"
Presidential address at ICAIL 2009, Barcelona
Tom Gordon
"20 Years of ICAIL – Reflections on the Field of AI and Law"
Presidential address at ICAIL 2007, Stanford
Karl Branting
"The Future of AI & Law"
Presidential address at ICAIL 2005, Bologna
Trevor Bench Capon
"Try To See It My Way -- Persuasion in Legal Discourse"
Presidential address at ICAIL 2003, Edinburgh
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