Call for Papers

JURIX 2016 - Call for Papers (Deadline Extended!)

The 2016 JURIX conference will take place on the beautiful French Riviera at the University of Nice Sophia Antipolis on 14, 15 and 16 December 2016. We invite submissions of papers (long and short), technology demonstrations and proposals for workshops & tutorials.

Submission Deadline: September 10, 2016 (Extended!)

JURISIN 2016 - Final Call for Papers (Deadline Extended!)

Tenth International Workshop on Juris-informatics (JURISIN 2016)
November 14 - 15, 2016

Raiosha Building, Keio University Kanagawa, Japan

with a support of The Japanese Society for Artificial Intelligence in
association with Fourth JSAI International Symposia on AI (JSAI-isAI 2016)

Submission Deadline: September 5, 2016 (Extended!)

COMPUTATIONAL ETHICS AND ACCOUNTABILITY - Intelligent Systems for Business Ethics and Social Responsibility (Deadline Extended)

Individual and organizational actions have social consequences that call for the implementation of recommendations of good conduct at multiple levels of granularity. For instance, government agencies identify transparency as a key value that promotes accountability, public participation, collaboration, and effectiveness. For firms, business ethics and compliance programs are becoming critical and, as the OECD reports, a growing number of firms issue voluntary codes of conduct to express commitment to values like legal compliance, accountability, privacy, and trust.

AI and Law Journal: Special Issue in Memory of Carole Hafner - Second Call for Papers

There will be a special issue of AI and Law journal in memory of Carole Hafner, one of the founding editors of the journal. Papers are requested by 31 May 2016, with a view to publication in the last issue of the current volume. Full details are at
It would also be helpful if those intending to submit could send the editor (Trevor Bench-Capon: notice of this intention, preferably with a title and an abstract, to help with planning for the reviews.

Workshop on Legal Text, Document, and Corpus Analytics (LTDCA-2016) - First Call for Participation

Workshop Description
Recent improvements both in Human Language Technology (HLT) and in techniques for storage and rapid analysis of large data collections have created new opportunities for automated interpretation of legal text, improved access to statutory and regulatory rules, and greater insights into the structure and evolution of legal systems. These techniques hold promise for the courts, legal practitioners, scholars, and citizens alike. These advances have coincided with a rapid expansion of interest in automated processing and understanding of legal texts on the part of industry, government agencies, court personnel, and the public.
This workshop is intended to be a forum for discussion of research ideas and practical developments that involve interpretation of legal text, analysis of structured legal documents, improved publication and access to document collections, predictive analysis based on legal text mining, and visualization of legal corpora.

Call for Papers: Special Issue of Artificial Intelligence and Law in Honor of Carole Hafner

Earlier this year, Carole Hafner, a key figure in the origin and development of AI and Law, died. A tribute to Carole can be found at A special issue of Artificial Intelligence and Law (which she co-founded) will be published in 2016, focusing on Carole’s main research topics: semantic retrieval and the procedural, temporal and teleological aspects of reasoning with legal cases.


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